Saturday, October 15, 2011

ZeekRewards In Review - Auctions

"Scam or Legit?"

I’d like to break down this ZeekRewards review, and give you the vital information in as few words as possible so you can quickly make an informed decision.

 What is is a penny auction site and revenue program that pays its members for referring other people to the site. is a verified penny auction site, and is officially verified by an independent "Watchdog Source" PennyBurners is also Auction List Approved.

 ZeekRewards Review – Is it Legit?

In order for there to be a ZeekRewards scam, by definition of a pyramid scheme; there would be no product, service or value traded for cash.

 In my research for this ZeekRewards review, I’ve found that the parent company for Zeekler is Rex Venture Group, located in North Carolina has successfully been in business for 15 years with an unshakeable reputation for paying its affiliates. This company has recently accomplished it's "Billion Dollar Company" status too!

Zeek is extremely dedicated to the Fair Bidding Policy in order to ensure a safe, profitable and fun atmosphere for customers/bidders and affiliates.


ZeekRewards Review – So,What's the Deal?

 From the official ZeekRewards review site:

“Here’s how it works: Every person who bids on Penny Auction site Zeekler, purchases what is called a “Bid Pack.” Our bids cost the bidder .65 cents each. When a bid is placed on a penny auction item (let’s say for the sake of this example – it’s an Apple iPad.) the company receives that .65 cents on every bid. So, on a $10.00 item – 1000 bids were placed – and the company received the equivalent of $650.”

ZeekRewards Review – Okay so, What’s up with the Membership?

There are several different auction formats which include penny auctions, reveal price auctions, falling price auctions, premier auctions and VIP auctions.

Zeekler members purchase “bid packs” and sell bid packs to new members to earn commissions. Bid Packs contain bids which are used on online auctions and have a value of about $0.65.

 There are 4 membership options: Free Affiliate, Silver Affiliate, Gold Affiliate and Diamond Affiliate.

 ZeekRewards Review – Okay, so How do You Earn the Bucks?

 When you refer other folks to ZeekRewards, you will earn VIP points which will be used to determine the amount that you will earn every day. You can also purchase VIP points to further increase the amount ZeekRewards will pay you every day.

The more VIP points you have, the higher the earning potential becomes. VIP points?

ZeekRewards also uses a system (Exact Method Marketing) that determines the daily income generated by the business and every qualified member will receive a share of the total revenue pool.

 You are also automatically entered into a 2×5 forced matrix which helps you earn more money with ZeekRewards.

With the Silver, Gold or Diamond membership, you can also earn a 20% commission on purchases from the ZeekRewards online retail store.

There is potential with ZeekRewards to earn at least a little something extra every day or find a new “toy” for ridiculously low prices. Not to mention it’s just plain fun once you get started, and it’s not time consuming.

It does NOT matter what compensation plan, company or product, it is extremely important that you learn how to generate leads/customers. Leads/customers, more appropriately known as people, are the life-blood of any business. If you lack the understanding of how to generate leads, you’re business will cost you dearly and ultimately fail becoming a waste of your time, hard earned money and even a blow to your self-esteem.

Don't panic...I have you covered! When you join my team I have resources available that MANY do not!!

 Okay, now it's your turn. Tell me your thoughts about ZeekRewards Review. Leave me a comment below, I’d love to know what your thoughts are. Also share this post with your friends if you found value in it. Thank-You in Advance!


Another Perspective

What if...
You were able to have the world's agenda revolve around your schedule and your agenda instead of the other way around??

What's that? You don't believe me? That's Okay. I was skeptical at first also. I live in Maryland. People from Maryland think everything is a scam until they see the car that you drive, the house that you live in, the boat that you have, and all the vacations that you go on throughout the year.

Tell me something. Are you sick of your dead end job and lifestyle? Would you like to do something about it?

If you do then here's a scenario here where you could be receiving
$4,200+ per month in RESIDUAL INCOME.

Let's use a 1.4% daily reward figure in this example (Please note: This is only an example and the actual amount will vary day to day).

When you reach 50,000 points in your account, then you could start doing an 80/20 cash-out plan. Pay close attention Here... When you hit 50,000 points in your account, and if the daily reward percentage is 1.4%, Zeek Rewards will be awarding you with $700.00 each day.

First of all, did you catch that?'re making
$700 per's your money!

Okay, the 80/20 plan works like this, take 80% of that $700 (or $560) and purchase more VIP bids to give away to new customers as samples, to continue growing your points balance.

Then, keep doing what you've been doing every day, which primarily consists of giving free bids away as samples and placing one free ad per day for's penny auctions and submitting into your ZeekRewards back office. Then, pull out 20% of the $700 (or $140/day) and request a check weekly.

$980 per week, or about $4,200 per month in residual income!

And keep in mind…these amounts can continue to grow day after day and month after month.
Where else can you do that??
That's not all! ZeekRewards has an incredible 2x5 forced matrix with matching bonuses for its qualified affiliates that will completely blow your mind.

You can earn $2, $10 and $20/month on all personally sponsored affiliates and up to $3.50 per Diamond, $1.50 per Gold and $.40 per Silver on every paid subscriber in your matrix with matching bonuses... month after month! It's a comp plan powered by rocket fuel and the sky is the limit!

Ohhhh, I forgot to mention we are ranked #1 on the Planet 7 months in a row!!

Okay, so here's a quick schedule of your 3 minute work day.
1.) Login to Zeek Rewards. Place your free ad for for the day. THIS IS IMPORTANT!
2.) (Optional): Opt-in to the BidCustomers program and you will get your customers sent to your Back-Offfice if you have problems getting customers on your own.3.) Submit your ad through your ZeekRewards back office to qualify for that day's rewards.4.) Keep Selling bids and/or Re-Purchasing VIP Bids with your daily awards and giving them away to your customers to earn and grow your Retail Profit Pool Points balance until you are where you want to be financially!

That's it! Now go play golf, or head to the gym, or whatever you like to do.

Let’s get you started! Click Here

The People's Franchise
The very best business model developed so far for
ordinary people to achieve extra-ordinary success. Now
is the time, of best investment for the greatest returns in
Network Marketing. It's like having the chance to buy gold
again at $49 an ounce!
-John Milton Fogg

“I would rather have one percent of 100 people’s efforts than 100 percent of my own.” -Andrew Carnegie

I'm going to be telling you about The People’s Franchise—
How ordinary people can achieve extraordinary success.
Now, it’s probably bad form to begin with a quiz— but just for
fun, let’s do it anyway. Don’t worry. This is really easy— and it’s
multiple choice, too.
Listen to the following statement, then choose the correct
answer from the list of choices at the end:

“In most Americans’ minds it’s a ‘scam’ and a
‘scheme’ – questionable or unethical at best,
immoral and illegal at worst."

“Many own-your-own entrepreneurial
hopefuls have been hyped into turning over
their life savings, only to see the company go out of
business, taking their dreams down with them."

“Politicians, regulators and the media
(especially the media) cry ‘foul’ whenever its
name comes up. Newspapers, magazines and
television news and talk shows regularly
expose it for the ‘flim-flam rip-off it really is.’
Major corporations who get involved go out of
their way to avoid any appearance of doing
so. There is even a move in Congress to
outlaw it altogether!”

Now, guess: which one is the right answer?
a) TV ministry scams
b) Off-shore Investment schemes
c) Multi-Level/Network Marketing
d) None of the above

Did you pick a), b) or c)? Well, there may be some truth to
all those choices— but none of them is the right answer.

The truth is, it’s a trick question. The right answer, “d) None of
the above,” WAS correct— more than 40 years ago! Back then,
that’s exactly what people were thinking and saying about a
radical, revolutionary new business concept called Franchising.

In the 1960s— before Ray Kroc and McDonalds, before Dunkin'
Doughnuts, Midas Mufflers, Molly Maid, Pizza Hut... and all the
other successful franchise companies established franchising as
a legitimate industry— all of those negative things were being
said and done about franchising. And yes, there was even a
move in Congress to outlaw franchising.

And today…??

Today, experts say the franchising industry is responsible for
more 40 percent of all retail goods and services we buy and sell
in the United States alone— over One Trillion Dollars!

Not bad for what just a few years ago was labeled “a scam and a

Let’s take a closer look at franchising.

Franchising truly was a revolutionary business concept— and it
still is.

Take a look at your alternative: 80 percent of all small business
fail in their first year. 80 percent of those that make it don’t
survive to see year five— and of those that do, even fewer will
last another five.

Think about it: how many companies do you do business
with that have been around for 10 years or more?

Not very many…

Franchising is a way for the small business entrepreneur to
boost the odds of success. A franchise takes the guesswork out
of building a business from scratch. The franchise company
creates a “turn-key opportunity”— a ready-made, off the rack
business, complete with products or services, logos, uniforms,
training, vendors, policies and procedures. Virtually anyone with
the desire and start-up capital can climb into this vehicle, turn
the key, and drive off down the highway of entrepreneurial

It’s truly brilliant.

You don’t need to know all there is to know about building a
franchise to own one. The franchise company has done all that
work for you. You simply pay your franchise fee, build or rent
your location and furnish it with the equipment the company has
already designed and successfully tested for you, hire your
people, and then pay the company a percentage of your sales
and profits.

A Question: How well do franchisees do?

According to its critics, the truth is about one third of all
franchises fail. Another third break even, and only one third
make a profit. In fact some franchise veterans say you can’t
make money in franchising today unless you own at least five or
more individual franchises units! Still, that’s a much better
average than the 80/20 failure/success rate of conventional
small businesses.

Question: How much does it cost to own a franchise, today?

Ahhhh, there’s the clincher.

Franchises fees range between a low/low cost of $1,000 to $500,000 and more. The average fee today comes in at around a about $50 grand.

You can get a Molly Maid or a Thrifty Car Rental franchise for a fee of
$17,500. Sir Speedy is $25,000. And the big guys, like McDonalds..., well
even if you could find one— Forget It! It’s in the millions...

The really bad news is that’s only the fee.You’ve still got to pay for the
building, equipment, initial inventory, etc. – all of which can run into the
millions or more. The average investment in a proven franchise
opportunity is $250,000! Not quite what the average person can afford.
PLUS, most franchise company’s take a percentage of your sales— not
just profits, SALES— as their royalty commission!

 It’s tough to start a franchise today. It’s not like it was back when the
industry was young and unknown. As in real estate, the stock market or
most other opportunities, the real money is made by those who get in

There’s a higher risk, and a higher reward. Once anything is a
sure thing, it seems everybody’s doing it.

Today franchises are proven profit centers. That’s one reason
why they’re so expensive. You pay for having less risk than a
conventional business start-up— and you pay for being a
Johnny-come-lately, as well.

But there is a way to have the low-to-no-risk benefits of a
proven, duplicatable business system like franchising, and still
enjoy the rich rewards of a ground floor opportunity.

Frankly, most Americans don’t have the extra $25,000 to
$250,000 or more that it usually takes to own their own
franchise business. But almost every one of us can afford to
have the next best thing. And that’s exactly what I’m telling you
about here: The NEXT… BEST… THING….The People's

… Network marketing.

Network marketing has taken the concept of franchising— providing independent entrepreneurs with a ready-made, low-risk, proven, turn-key small-business opportunity— and have made some genuinely remarkable improvements on it.

Low Capital Investment— Little or No Risk
How much money do you need to become an independent
network marketer? There is usually no fee required to start your
Networking business. You’ll typically commit between a few
hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars for your sales kit,
training and sales and marketing materials, and your initial
product inventory if you even need it.

The Benefits and Tax Advantages of a Home-Based Business
For most participants, network marketing is a home-based
business, so you don’t have the high overhead of a retail or
office location. The equipment you need to begin your
Networking operation can be as simple as a telephone, desk and
computer. And the potential tax advantages of owning and
operating a legitimate home-based business represent one of
the last forms of tax relief available to the average American

No Employees— You Are In Control
As a network marketer, you are an independent contractor – the
CEO of your own businesses. Think of it as "Me, Inc.". You have
no “employees.” The men and women with whom you’ll work
are also CEOs, running their own independent networking
businesses. In network marketing, you don’t simply “own your
own job”— you own your own business.

And unlike most entrepreneurs,
your business does not own you!
You are truly in control of your
work— and your life 

More Choices— Part-Time, Full-Time, Travel,
National and Global Businesses

Every network marketer is a volunteer: You don’t “have to” do
anything. You’re free to work the days and hours you want,
where you want, doing what you want— and perhaps most
important of all, 
you’re free to choose the people with whom you work. 

 Although the majority of networkers work their businesses part-time— currently about 85 percent of the industry are part-time— more and more men and women are pursuing network
marketing as a full-time career. Some work exclusively from
their homes; some choose to set up formal offices; others enjoy
traveling to other cities and even to other countries, building
their businesses on a global scale.

 Personal and Professional Support
In network marketing, you’re in business for yourself – but not
by yourself. Your network marketing corporation’s success
depends on your success— they’re your business partner, so
they give you the support possible, each step of the way.

As a good franchise company would do, a good network
marketing company provides you with the product or service to
market, plus an R & D department, new product development,
field training, sales and marketing literature and promotional
materials, a distributor service department, and more. And
today every network marketing company is Internet Friendly.
You and your company are truly partners in a win-win

Sound incredible? It is— but there’s more. There’s another very
special reason network marketing is the next step beyond
franchising. Which is why it’s sometimes called… 


 When you buy a franchise, you acquire the right to market the
product or service provided by your company. It’s much the
same in network marketing, except that you don’t have to pay a
franchise fee nor the same huge start-up and overhead costs,
have a retail location and/or elaborate equipment, hire and
manage employees or there are no geographic restrictions on
your marketing territory. You also don’t have to pay a
percentage of your sales back to the network marketing
company, as you do in franchising. What’s more, you are an
 independent contractor– you work for you—not for “the

And as if all of that were not remarkable enough, a network
marketing company does one more truly revolutionary thing for

 They give you the ability to
offer the opportunity to build a
successful business to others
in partnership with you, too! 

In network marketing, you not only get to earn income from
marketing your company’s products or services (like a
franchisee), you can also earn income from the sales generated
by people you enrollinto your own network organization (like a
franchise company). They're your 'Business Partners', men and
women who, just like you, own their own independent network
marketing businesses.

 That’s why we call it Franchising.

 And that’s what creates one of network marketing’s most
powerful and profitable features: it allows you to leverage your
time, talent and energy to earn commissions from the sales
made by all the other people you bring into the business. 

 Remember, Andrew Carnegie
said, “I would rather have one
percent of 100 people’s efforts
than 100 percent of my own.”
That’s just what network
marketing enables you to do.

This explains why so many “ordinary” people can achieve
extraordinary success in the network marketing industry.
Conventional sales and distribution methods depend on a few,
select high-performance sales superstars, who each do a huge
amount of sales volume. Network marketing is just the
opposite: it’s based on a lot of people – doing a little bit each. 

That’s why we call this concept “The People’s Franchise” 

 Network marketing powerfully
combines all the income-building
benefits of being both a
“franchisee” and a “franchise
company” at the same time—
while cutting out the major
stumbling blocks of both. 

•  There’s no fee, because you’re an independent network marketer
•  You don’t pay royalties from your sales back to the company.
•  There’s no hiring, firing or managing employees.
•  There are none of the all-consuming demands of a seven-day work-week and 15-hour-a-day retail operation.
•  There’s the powerful marketing advantage of offering superior quality, one-of-a-kind specialty products and unique services that meet high consumer demand with exceptional value through Relationship marketing.
•  There’s the independence of choice: choosing with whom you work, when, where and how you work.

•  There’s the freedom of owning your own home-based business— and the tax saving advantages that come with it.
•  There’s the flexibility of part-time or full-time involvement, as your unique situation allows... as you choose.
•  There’s the possibility to leverage your time and energy and earn income from the efforts of others: in time, 10s, 100s even thousands of others.
•  There’s the limited risk of a start-up that requires only a few hundred dollars.
•  There’s the proven potential reward of both earned incomeand residual income— which can range from an extra $300, $500 or $1,000 per month up to $10,000,
$25,000 and more.
•  It’s a great business for the Internet, too. When you combine the high-touch of network marketing with the high-tech of e-mail and the world wide web, it just might be the most perfect business of all....
•  And finally, there is still the opportunity for you to be one of the first to enter an industry— an industry that has just begun its dramatic growth curve… an industry that is creating a revolution in the way the world buys and sells everything!!

There has never been a better
time than now to take a serious
look at Network Marketing. “The
People’s Franchise” is an
extraordinary concept whose
time has come— today!

 Now is the time of best investment for greatest returns in
network marketing. It’s like having the chance to buy gold again
at $49 an ounce! 

Make the time today to check out the benefits of building your
own network marketing business. It’s a straightforward and
simple, low-risk investment— and it promises to return the most
remarkable rewards you can imagine. 

Thanks for taking a look at The People’s Franchise. 

 John Milton Fogg is an author, editor and speaker. His books and
audios have sold over three million copies worldwide.

Zeek Rewards and JSS Tripler Comparison

The base money making method in Zeek Rewards is similar to programs such as Just Been Paid's JSS Tripler and Ricochet Riches, except the earning potential with "Zeek" is far greater.

JSS claims it's a sustainable program and I am sure it is for the foreseeable future, but it is only based on money they get from people "buying" positions and placements. Zeek is MUCH different, because the  (profit shares) you earn is based on two companies owned by their parent company, Zeekler. One of these is Zeekler Penny Auctions. Which is the reason that what you buy in Zeek Rewards are called bids (rather than positions) because they are penny auction bids.

In Zeek Rewards you buy bids. Bids are similar to positions in JSS Tripler. The upgrade costs $10 for the purchase of 10 VIP bids. Unlike JSS, if you want to earn your upgrade you can do so; you do not need to layout any money upfront. You can earn your upgrade by taking part in the Zeek Rewards advertising program which will take you 3 to 5 minutes a day (you soon get very quick at it) If you miss a day or so it just takes a bit longer to earn your upgrade is all.

In JSS Tripler you buy individual positions for $10. For each bid you buy in Zeek Rewards you are allotted one "VIP Point". It is these points that earn from the profit share. Unlike JSS you can repurchase with your profits to buy more bids, and to be given more VIP points..

For example if you buy 10 bids in Zeek Rewards by the time these mature your repurchase may have bought you something like 60 more. These 60 carry on earning daily until they in turn mature, by which time you will have around 120 that are being carried forward, and on it goes until you have amassed a huge amount of bids/points. If you buy extra bids along the way your income is even greater.

You may choose what proportion of your daily income to repurchase. You could, for example, repurchase100%, withdraw 100% in cash, take out 80% in cash and repurchase 20% etc. We strongly suggest 80/20...

In Zeek Rewards you do have to put in your 5 minutes a day to advertise but this is a small time commitment considering you are not only advertising for Zeekler, but advertising your own referral links. This clever program has lead generation built in so you do not need any knowledge or skill at bringing in referrals.

In Zeek it is your VIP points that mature. They are then removed from the profit sharing aspect. You still own the bids themselves and they carry on working for you. In JSS you no longer own your positions.

These bids still hold value for you in Zeekler Penny Auctions. You may be thinking you don't want to buy anything yourself in the auctions, and they are of no use to you though that is only one option. Instead, you can carry on making them work for you in another part of the Zeek Rewards compensation plan.

You give them away! Why would you want to give away your bids, does that not make them worthless? No. You give your bids away to attract customers to Zeekler Penny Auctions. When they have won something at an incredibly Low Price, those customers are very likely to buy more bids themselves. When they do, you are given a percentage of every bid they buy. They become your customers. This process is automated once you have set the number of bids you want to give away.

You do not even need to worry about promoting to find customers for Zeekler if you don't have the time, because your daily advertising does this for you. In addition, you can buy them for $2 each through Zeek Rewards Customer Co-op. You can do this once you have earned enough in the program to pay for them out of your profits.

I hope that you can now see that Zeek Rewards can be so much more Rewarding than in JSS Tripler. You buy positions in JSS and earn interest and that is all. Plus, JSS only pays down 5 levels, and your other positions will push you OFF of your own Matrix if you're below 5 levels. Buying Multiple positions or "STACKING" is Illegal.

 Zeek Rewards:
  • Join Free | Silver | Gold | Diamond
  • Earn from the profit share but, do not lose your bids when they mature.
  • Repurchase VIP Bids from your earnings to increase your income.
  • Earn from Zeekler Penny Auction customers or save money by bidding on cheap products yourself.
  • The internal ad program recruits referrals and customers for you.
  • Can work on the other Zeek Reward programs.

If you have some time to do more than buy VIP bids, even a small amount of time, you can earn through the other Zeek Reward programs. You do not need to spend any more money to qualify for these additional programs and the earning potential from them is huge.  Important Legal Disclaimer

13 Reasons Why Binaries Do Not Work for MLM

by John Godzich

1. Historically, Binaries have been short lived, except for Usana, which did not start out as a binary.
2. Binaries have had problems with regulators, often drawing huge fines or settlements, e.g., BigSmart ($5,000,000)

3. Binaries are often built anonymously through automated systems that do not lead to the development of personal relationships

4. In a binary, the company is betting against the field: the very premise of the Binary Comp Plan is that distributors do not qualify. In fact, binaries live off of “breakage”, which is all the percentages written into a comp plan but not paid out because distributors do not qualify. This money is kept by the company. Even in cases where the binary company claims to pay out fully its comp plan, it caps maximum earnings throughout its gene tree, keeping the money to be partially distributed in large cash giveaways. Others claim to pay out fully, simply by earmarking amounts to be paid out later, thus creating a rolling (revolving) promise of pay out, which keeps on working as long as there is strong growth, and collapses when there is the slightest lull.

If most of the distributors were to qualify then…
a. either the company would go out of business, or
b. the profits in the field would be so widely spread out that the appeal of a select few making huge amounts, would not exist, which leads us to:

5. In a binary, the field leadership (leaders and big hitters) are building power legs as fast as possible, in other words, they are controlling spillover in a way to benefit them at the expense of their downline, thus making the appeal of spillover a myth at best, and at worst, an outward lie. Binaries pay out on your weak leg, not on your strong or power leg, therefore by definition, you do not build your success on the success of others, but you try to balance something that will naturally never be balanced.

6. Because of lop-sided income structures, binaries are associated to “get rich quick schemes”. But even payouts which favor heavily big hitters don’t last in binaries. Binaries use a system called factoring which, for lack of a better word, allows them to factor in changes in growth. When revenue trends change suddenly, the income of big hitters can be drastically reduced, and then the latter flee with their automated sponsoring system, accelerating the downfall of the company.

7. Binaries have been historically used by companies that have sold over-priced services (e.g., phone cards that gave 20 cents value on the dollar, thus in reality being disguised money chains.)

8. Real growth is based on Pareto’s Law: the 80/20 rule, which holds that only 20% of the people will do the work. Binaries claim to be able to get around this, that is why participants in binaries can be heard saying: “I almost made $32,739 last month.”
“And how much did you wind up making?”
“Well, I really made only $287… But wait until I balance next month!”
No chance really, against an automated system building down one leg.

9. Binaries are usually built on hype, with huge cash giveaways in order to lure people based on the greed factor. The product becomes an excuse. They often create copycat products of already existing and legitimate products. The negative side of this is that they also taint legitimate businesses.

10. Binaries, because they most often use automated sponsoring systems, wind up giving a bad name to legitimate organizations who use automated systems within the confines of a sound compensation plan. The “good distributors” suffer from guilt by association.

11. Binaries lead you to purchase multiple “business centers”, in order to “maximize” your earnings potential. What this really does, is prompt front loading products (according to regulators, this means purchasing more of the same product that you and your family can reasonably consume within a certain period). Both State (AG’s) as well as Federal (FTC) Regulators are concerned that this is a borderline, and often outright infringement on anti-pyramid laws.

12. Binaries redefine who they consider as distributors, often disregarding more than 90% of their distributor base, simply according to their own invented criteria to make it more difficult to be considered a distributor, such as minimum volume, period of activity, having already sponsored someone, or even already having received a commission check based on downline production.
Binaries thus consider more than 90% of the people who signed a “distributor application and agreement” with them as wholesale customers, thus allowing binaries to misrepresent average earnings, thus skewing results by more than 90%.

13. Thorough analysis of most binaries show that only a handful make considerable income, while between 98% to upwards of 99% of distributors do not even make in commissions what they pay in on a monthly basis.

The success of network marketing is also due to its viral acceleration of economic change: the best example of upward mobility.

The success of network marketing has nonetheless been tainted by the behavior of certain “clever” companies/distributors who sought even faster success, often at the expense of the reputation of network marketing. They came up with the binary compensation plan.

Be wary of compensation plans that use the words “cap”, maximize your earnings”, and “you can make up to.”
Binary companies are here today, gone tomorrow. The fastest growth companies have been binaries. 

Example: in the nineties, a binary company grew from 0 to close to $2 billion in 18 months, and collapsed to nothing within two months, leaving hundreds of thousands throughout the world with dashed hopes, and an aftertaste of having been abused and taken advantage of. The founder of the company escaped to an atoll in the Pacific...

Why Gold and Silver Bullion MLMs Have Never Worked...

by louabbott

My mission here?
I want you to be well informed because ignorance in the MLM profession can cost you a lot more than money. It can also cost you your friends, family, hopes and dreams.
You need the whole truth about MLM, the companies, the industry, and what it really takes to make significant income with a network marketing business!  My goal here is to bring it to you as effectively and objectively as is humanly possible.
 "If you think the cost of education is high, think about ignorance" --Derek Bok
 Great Information is Never a Disadvantage.
To start 2012 - let's take a quick look at Economic Developments and Statistics that will define the environment and the economy for 2012...
 In the Last 36 Months.......
The US Dollar - lost well over 40% of its purchasing Power

 We have seen the Government pass into law and implement
Cash For Clunkers - QE1 – QE2.

The Debt Ceiling Limit was also Increased - to accommodate more spending
in an attempt to stimulate the ailing economy. This enabled the Government
to borrow more money than it was legally authorized by law.
This is the equivalent to a credit line increase.
We expect another increase early in the 1st quarter of 2012.

 The Result:

  • Double Digit Inflation
  • Housing Values Plummeting
  • Record Government Debt 15.3 Trillion
  • Record Consumer Debt – Lack of Savings
 Families are struggling to save money!
  • 5.2% of USA Families have a Savings Account.
  • Those that do have an average of less than $1,500.
  • 95% of people 65 years old (or older) are dead or dead broke by age 65.
#1 Cause of divorce - Money
#1 Cause of Money Problems - Discipline
#1 Cause of Discipline Problems - Lack of Financial Education

Between 2001 and 2005 - 2.4 Trillion Dollars was created from Real Estate
re-financing and home equity loans. This money was created through
manipulation. Artificially escalated property values and housing prices
occurred. This environment was produced and encouraged by Politicians,
Banks, Appraisers and consumers that were fooled into thinking that their
home was an ATM machine.

 The Problem

When EASY MONEY was shut off a debt crisis and foreclosure crisis began.
Debt to income ratios were at an all time high. Consumer spending came to a
screeching halt.

October 2008 Real Estate and Wall Street collapsed. 16.4 Trillion in household
wealth vanished. $53,419 per person. Do you know anyone that was hurt
financially when this happened??

October 2008 to today - Cash for Clunkers - QE1 - QE2 - Politicians raised the
Debt Ceiling Limit to authorize more spending. All these attempts to stimulate the
sick economy have all came and went with little or no impact on the economy
EXCEPT to further devalue the purchasing power of the USA Dollar and rack up
debt levels never before seen. The Federal Reserve ordered the US Treasury to
create and print 300% more money, in the last 3 years, to finance all these programs.

 USA Top 7 Creditors Must Be Paid To Retain Credit Rating

1. Federal Reserve 2. China  3. Caribbean Banks
  4. OPEC  5. Japan   6. Germany  7. UK
Where will the money come from to make these interest and principal payments?
Answer: Printing more new money and New Taxes.

 The Forecast

Fact - most of the fiat paper currency, created out of thin air, is still held by Banks
and Financial Institutions
to prop up their balance sheet. Expert economists know
that, when this capital works its way into the marketplace, INFLATION will rise
to an estimated 30% or more. For every action there is a reaction!!
  • Interest Rates are projected to rise to historic levels (remember the early 1980's?)
  • Taxes will rise to create new capital to supply capital for USA debt payments.
  • Housing prices will continue to fall as foreclosures rise.
  • Home owners upside down will also increase to historic levels.
  • Precious Metals prices are expected to rise to historic levels.
 The Question(s)

  • Do you agree that we have a debt problem?
  • Do you agree that we have a currency problem?
  • Do you agree that most families have a savings and discipline problem?
  • How does it make you feel?
  • How does the current economic conditions effect you, your family and people you know? 
  • What are you doing about it?
 Your Calling

Now is the time to be proactive and take action. This is NOT a time to
glide along with good intentions. Now is the time to pursue the TRUTH.
People perish for lack of knowledge.
Now is the time to pull the curtain back so we can clearly see what we
are dealing with. The facts, the truth and good information is never a
disadvantage. To win we need to know the rules to the game.

Your Choice

We can listen to the politician, the banker or the media for information
and advice. We can take personal responsibility for our own financial
well being as well as others we care about. We can pay attention to the
Forecast (above) or ignore it.
 The Zeek Rewards Business Model is the right plan,
at the right time, to help others help themselves.
Isn't it Time You Made a Change for You and Those You Care About?   Click Here For That Change Today!

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